
This is the personal website of Matthew De George.  

I am an independent consultant – though sometimes also a temporary senior manager or executive leader when a new role needs to be established – and I specialise in the topics at Anthologic.com.au.

My work is typically consulting medium-term engagements, developing go-to-market propositions, and my on-going efforts to develop the ManageWithoutThem Management Model.

I’m on a bit of a mission to be honest.  I want to make our organisations better – where “better” means efficient, value-creating, and a joy to work in.  My politics means I believe this is best achieved via my own essentially classical liberalism world-view.

I was previously the Head of Strategy & Innovation for Aware Services.

I blog both personally and semi-professionally.

I am proudly the husband of Amanda.

My old welcome page is here.

If I’ve been helpful to you why not…